Well it's that time of year again folks. That chaotic time when school is in full swing, work requirments have me prepping for up comming orientations and Tokyo trips, and I'm constantly pushing for more time to dedicate to those fine friends who have decided to exit the JET Program. All of that busy translates to less time for the studio. All excuses aside, the news I meant to share last Thursday was that my new shipment of clay arrived, and that I had been working on a sculpture that warped significatly in the drying process, but I, surprisingly, liked the results enought to keep it as it is. I have to go to Tokyo for the end of this week, and won't be getting any studio time. So considder this your ration for this week.

My father always talked about how his attitude would change when he got closer to a show. How he would just want the world to drop its pressures and allow him to focus on his work. My trouble is I have two works. I lead a rather stressless life, and am happier than a canned peach with my position at Susaki High School, but it is a very different kind of satisfaction when compared to the satisfaction gained from a day at the wheel with hands in mud. Speaking of satisfaction, I spent the weekend with some of the best guys I've ever known, some of whom are about to face the next step, and speaking with them, after some whitewater rafting, beers, and general great times, I can't help but think on what my next step will be whenever I take it. But, we musnt be hasty now. Mustn't we?
Cabin's view from the weekend with the lads. |
Everything is just another rotation of the wheel. All anyone can do is continue to hone in on the shape their mind pictures in that moment.
We'll be back next Monday after I've returned from Tokyo. Have a great week everyone.
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