Monday, September 17, 2012

Play with FIRE

Happy holiday Monday! So, last week I posted a link with a video of a man throwing HUGE pots, as well as the first shots of my first attempts at working larger. Well, on Friday whilst trimming I might have (to my utter horror) trimmed through the bottom of my huge pot. This yielded a squeal of terror and the quick hunt for a means to fix said mistake. The answer came from Tabe Sensei (who surprised me by hanging out in the studio as I worked and taking all these lovely photos). So, a patch of wet clay, some creative paddling with small wooden anvil, and some tender blowtorch love later and my bread bowl seems patched and as good as new. Only the eventual firing will tell.
Tomorrow is a day off from work to make up for a Saturday worked last week, and I mean to enjoy it by sleeping in, cleaning, and in general just being a homebody. If you live in Kochi I hope the rains of this weekend didn't keep you from adventures and joy. Go out and make something with you hands! DO IT!

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