Thursday, April 26, 2012


New work Thursday finally returns, and let me tell you it can't be Friday soon enough. This year's course load at Susaki High has me running all over the damn place. I'll take being busy over having nothing to do any day, but after a full two months of being decidedly unbusy, busy feels busier than busy should feel. I'm sure adjustment will happen in no time flat.

Amidst all of this busy I've scrounged up some studio time in little bits to keep the ceramics withdraw symptoms from setting in. Here's what's new:

New forms right off the wheel before texture. 

Newly trimmed and textured! I love ochokos 
To those who might be a little confused an ochoko is a small sake cup. These forms flew off the wheel head. I am feeling a little more adventurous with my decorations after my parents visit and the freshly delivered issues of Ceramics Monthly. Hopefully these and some other new things in the works will be fired and ready by May 20th. What's on May 20th?! Why how kind of you to ask. Hata fest part II will be on May 20th. It's a craft, art, music and food festival held out on the west side of Kochi prefecture. More details will follow as to it's exact location and such, but save that date dear readers. 

Self promotion aside, that's all there really is for this week folks. Enjoy the long weekend if you live in Japan. We'll see you on Monday! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

City of the Night

Time, as it tends to do, has slipped away from me! Classes resumed at school, studio time was limited but focused and fruitful, and my ability to remember my camera to photograph my new work was . . . nonexistant. So, here is something both new and older. A deviation from the norm, and a total expirament.

I love the relationship between potter, piece, and owner. The notion of use completing a piece is such a different way of looking at artistic expression and appritiation. The feel of it in the hands, its weight, its textures, and all the other details (down to the way your lips might rest on the lip of the piece) are a new level of dialoge between artist and owner. I can't say it in any other way, I just love functional pottery. BUT, I grew up with a father who's work focused on taking an extreemly utilitarian form beyond function. My father chose the shape of a spoon (perhaps he would say the spoon chose him) to be his life's calling. His work , and the work of the other artists he meets has a huge impact on my ideas of art and expression.

My first year in Japan I spent a lot of time working singularly on the wheel. I wanted (STILL WANT!) my basics to improve through continued practice with classic functional forms. It was satisfying, playful, frustrating, and empowering. In the beginning of my second year I found and reworked a large amount of incredibly course black clay. I tried throwing it on the wheel once, and it ripped my hands, the sponge, and a wooden rib to peices. So, for the first time I attempted a purly sculptural project. About a month later these were the results:

I have other sculptural projects in the works, and will always continue to produce with the wheel. Thursday will come, and, I promiss, this time I will return to the normal bloging.
Have a wonderful week folks.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming

The mountains are bursting into vibrant greens after yesterday's Spring storm, and the remnants of cherry blossums are a pleasant change to the debris that typically clogs the gutters just after a rain. I'm sorry to have gone AWOL on ya'll, but I've been playing the cherie tour guide for my mother and the father for the past two weeks. If you'd like to hear about our travels in more detail feel free to hop on over to my other blog (some time next week once I write about our trip). It's about my travels here in lovely Japan land (  thedailybfg  ). Now that that little explanation and shamless self advertising is over and done with, let's get to the meat of the days ceramic meal.

My parents, crafts-people as they are, share my love for hand made things, and my mother esspeically has an affinity for pottery. We saw, and even procured a few, beautiful pieces on our travels. The reason I share these pieces with you, my internet darlings, is primarily to show just a handful of examples of the types of work I am exposed to every day. The constant reminders that there is a world of unknown potential and skill before me in this field. So enjoy the little mini tour of work, and hopefully we'll be fully back to normal this time next week.



(currently unknown location, but supposedly 200 years old)

Nagasaki local artist 
Nagasaki local aftist

currently unknown 

Oh yeah! Before I sign off here . . . Tabe Sensei was recontracted at Susaki High School! So raise up your glasses and give us a song! All of the worries are gone. Another year with a great friend and many many more chances to continue making my pots.

Can't wait to get back in the studio.

Bizen-yaki frog
See you Monday!