Sunday, March 17, 2013

storm and last weeks work

Low visibility, fog, heavy winds, and on and off gushing rains. sounds like the perfect Monday for a little post to catch ya'll up on last week's works. We're in that awkward time between school years where it isn't quite spring break yet, and where there are no classes. This means that my days are a bit wandering at the office, and filled with a touch more internet loafing than i typically would like. HOWEVER last week I did manage to get my most recent works trimmed and ready for a small bisque fire.

This mug is sporting a 100% expiramental handle that came from simply the desire to try something new, and my overal dislike for pulling my own handles. I'm unconvinced by its style and unsure of its comfort once bisqued. We'll just have ot wait and see. I'm veyr hopeful that the weather will clear and that I'll get a little time in the old studio today.

Until next time,
smile more!

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